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GASeP으로 본 미래지향적 글로벌 항공보안체계 구축


Building Future-oriented Global Aviation Security System through GASeP

김영천, 이준화, 조규호

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



GASeP will bring together ICAOs, governments, industries and other stakeholders in an integrated and organized effort to address current and new global aviation security challenges. Security is an important pillar for sustainable growth in the global aviation industry. The recent increase in airplane turbulence and terrorist risks has increased the need for cooperation between countries rather than a single national response, and consists of an analysis of the basic concept of air security in ICAO and the background, status and details of the global aviation security plan. Based on the review of the ICAO Global Aviation Security Plan, we should develop detailed countermeasures for our aviation security plan, aviation security risk analysis, aviation security training, self- aviation security plan, and aviation security search.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. ICAO GASeP과 우리나라 항공보안기본계획 비교
1. GASeP의 목적
2. 적용범위
3. 우선순위 달성
4. 이행 감독 및 검토
5. 우리나라 항공보안기본계획 목표 및 추진방향
Ⅲ. ICAO GASeP 우선순위 조치
1. 위협인지수준 제고 및 효과적 대응
2. 보안인식제고 및 보안인력역량 강화
3. 고성능 보안장비개발
4. 감독 및 품질관리기능 강화
5. 국내외 협력강화
Ⅳ. 우리나라 항공보안 기본계획
1. 제도 정비를 통한 항공보안 역량 강화
2. 인적 인프라 질적 고도화 및 보안문화 확산
3. 스마트 보안체계 구축 및 보안산업 활성화
4. 내·외부적 위협요인에 대응한 보안통제 강화
5. 글로벌 항공보안 협력 및 리더십 강화
Ⅴ. 결론


  • 김영천 Young-Chun Kim. 한국공항공사 교육운영부 과장
  • 이준화 Jung-Hwa Lee. 청와대 경비안전본부 경호과장
  • 조규호 kyu-Ho Cho. 서울호서전문학교 항공정비학과장 교수


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