

Development of Science and Technology Parks in Colombia and S&T Policy Implication



As the importance of science and technology is growing, many countries are putting a lot of efforts to increase their national science and technology capabilities. Among many policy options, Science and Technology Park (STP) is regarded as one of the effective policy tools to promote technological innovation. Currently there are many Science and Technology Parks being developed in the world but there is not much discussion or evaluation about the performance, management, and development strategies of those parks. Colombia, as the country in the developing path, also tries to develop and promote the Science and Technology Parks. This paper reviewed the current situation of Colombia’s STPs and drew some lessons for other developing countries. It is suggested that the STPs are to be developed with emphasis not only on hard-side like building but also on soft-side areas such as specialization of S&T, management plan, network of university-industry cooperation, technology commercialization and so on.


1. Introduction
2. Review of Science and Technology Parks in Colombia
3. Conclusion and Discussion


  • Deok Soon Yim International Innopolis Research Center, Korea
  • Camilo García Duque Consultant - Lecturer at Universidad del Rosario, Colombia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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