


和泉式部日記における刹那性の美学について -「今」「今日」「今朝」をめぐって-


On the Aesthetics of Ephemerality in Izumi Shikibu Diary - Concerning “now”, “today” and “this morning” -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research attempts to interpret the meaning of the momentary expression that includes “now” in Izumi Shikibu’s diary. This series of work was for the purpose of demonstrating whether it works as “a word that regards the moment as eternity”. However, as I looked at all 33 poems, I was able to confirm that the role of the ephemeral vocabulary does not stop there, and that there are further characteristics. It can be said that the characteristic is a unique aesthetic that emphasizes the ephemerality in the scene where the typical gift-giving song of love is exchanged. When I tried to decipher the ephemeral expressions in the song, I was able to organize them into about four characteristics. - Being a point in time as a boundary line that brings about transformation and change of feelings of love. - Maximization of anxiety and impatience caused by momentaryness and ephemerality - Even if it is the same “now”, “today”, and “this morning”, there is a discrepancy in the way that Miya and Shikibu recognize each other. - The climax of the taste that shouldn’t be missed In this diary, the entanglement and nervousness of the love affair between the two are read as a lively flow with expressions that grasp the moment. It will become clearer from now on by comparing it with other works, but I can argue that the expression expressing the moment is remarkable in this diary, and that this can be read roughly in four patterns.


1. はじめに
2. 本文分析と解釈
2.1 章段一の三・四番歌
2.2 章段二・三の九~一一番歌
2.3 章段四の一四・一五番歌
2.4 章段四の一八・一九番歌
2.5 章段六の二三・二五番歌
3. 刹那的時点の特質
3.1 恋の感情や状況の変化の境界線
3.2 相反する感情の表出する瞬間
3.3 瞬間性から起因する不安やあせりの極大化
3.4 風情をつかむチャンスとしての瞬間性
4. 終わりに


  • 権赫仁 권혁인. 光云大学校 インゼニウム学部大学 副教授, 日本古典文学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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