

간호사의 병원윤리풍토와 의사소통 자기효능감이 미완료간호에 미치는 영향


Effects of Hospital Ethical Climate and Communication Self-Efficacy on Nursing Cares Left Undone among Nurses

노윤구, 심봉희, 이은수

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: This study aimed to identify the effects of hospital ethical climate and communication self-efficacy on nursing care left undone. Methods: The participants were 142 nurses working in a general hospital. Data were collected from July 18 to August 30, 2021. Data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS/WIN 25.0 program. Results: (a) The mean value of hospital ethical climate was 3.54±0.41, communication self-efficacy was 5.03±0.81, and the sum of nursing cares left undone was 3.68±3.14. (b) Nursing cares left undone had a negative correlation with hospital ethical climate(r=-.25, p=.003) but not with communication self-efficacy (r=-.13, p=.116). (c) Factors that affected nursing cares left undone included education (≥master) (β=.23, p=.005), marital status (single) (β=-.19, p=.018), age (26~27) (β=-.18, p=.022), and hospital ethical climate (β=-.18, p=.029); the explanation power was 18.0% (F=8.66, p<.001). Conclusion: Our study shows that hospital ethical climate plays a significant role in nursing cares left undone of nurses. It is important to strengthen hospital ethical climate to lower the incidence of nursing cares left undone. These results may serve as basic data to help develop strategies for reducing the incidence of nursing cares left undone.


  • 노윤구
  • 심봉희
  • 이은수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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