

서울형 주택 실거래 가격지수의 적합성 검증에 관한 연구 : 아파트 실거래 가격지수를 대상으로


A Study of the Validation of Seoul Housing Actual transaction Price Index(SHAPI) : Using the Actual transaction Price Index of Apartment in Seoul

박재라, 박현정, 류강민, 정종대

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As an indicator of housing price trends, the housing price index should have both accuracy and timeliness. This study aimed to validate the statistical reliability, stability of the Seoul actual price index for apartments developed by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, and its conformity on shortening of the publication time difference from 45 days to 15 to secure the timeliness of the index. The result showed that Seoul actual price index for apartments by building ages and housing areas have statistical reliability and stability throughout all detailed subtypes. Also, the additional analysis on the change in the index after reflecting cancelled transactions showed that there was insignificant difference between the original index and the index reflecting cancelled transactions. Therefore, this study empirically proved that Seoul actual price index for apartments can secure timeliness by collecting and analyzing data on the basis of date of registration without any distortion of the housing market.


Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 내용
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 및 선행연구 검토
1. 주택가격지수의 시장 상황 설명력⋅적시성 관련 연구
2. 본 연구의 차별성
Ⅲ. 분석방법
1. 지수 산정방법
2. 지수 적합성 검토
Ⅳ. 실증분석
1. 서울형 아파트 주택실거래가 지수
2. 서울형 건축연한별 주택실거래가 지수
3. 서울형 면적별 주택실거래가 지수
4. 서울형 아파트 실거래 가격지수 검증분석
5. 계약일과 신고일에 따른 지수변동 검증
Ⅴ. 결론
정책적 시사점


  • 박재라 Park, Jae-Ra. 한양대학교 도시대학원 부동산학 박사과정, 서울시 주택정책실 주무관
  • 박현정 Park, Hyun-jung. 서울시립대학교 도시공학 박사, 서울시 주택정책실 주택시장분석팀장
  • 류강민 Ryu, Kang-Min. 한양대학교 도시공학 박사, ㈜알스퀘어 이사
  • 정종대 Jung, Jong-Dae. 본 학회 정회원, 서울대학교 건축학 박사, 서울시 주택정책지원센터장


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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