

대단면 목구조의 철물 접합부 구성형식과 유형 분석


A Study on the Composition Form and Types of Steel Connection in Wooden Structures


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this research, the composition types of hinge joints in wooden structures using bolts, drift pins, and lag screws as joint fasteners were investigated and the characteristics of the joint type were analyzed. The types of wooden joints using steel fasteners were classified into timber-timber, timber-steel, timber-timber-timber, timber-steel-timber, and steel-timber-steel concerning the composition. Also, it was found that the types of timber-steel-timber and steel-timber-steel were widely used by the case study on the examples of large-space buildings. Accordingly, for a comparison the shear resistances in the types of timber-steel-timber, steel-timber-steel and timber-steel were estimated in models of same member size condition. At the result, it was figured out that the type of steel-timber-steel can easily achieve shear resistance with smaller number of fasteners relatively. The type of timber-steel-timber requires the more cross-section or higher material strength at the same condition, but it seems to be widely used because it has advantages in fire resistance conditions and aesthetics. The type of timber-steel for single shear connection using lag screws presented low resistance at the same condition, but it is a useful type to create a large-space structure system as it is easy to increase resistance through increased mechanical strength of the screw.


1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
2. 대단면 목재 철물 접합부의 유형
2.1 파스너의 종류
2.2 접합부 구성 요소 및 구성 유형
3. 구조시스템 별 접합부 유형 활용양상 분석
3.1 휨 구조시스템(보 시스템)
3.2 아치 구조시스템
3.3 트러스 구조시스템
3.4 휨복합 구조시스템(들림형/버팀대형)
4. 접합유형의 전단내력 특성 분석
5. 결론


  • 이주나 Lee, Juna. 서울시립대학교 건축학부 객원교수, 공학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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