

중국 기업 구성원의 감성지능, 심리적 주인의식, 일의 의미가 제언행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 직무열의의 매개효과를 중심으로


A Study on the Influence of Emotional Intelligence, Psychological Ownership, and Meaning of Work on Voice Behavior of Chinese Company Members : Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Job Engagement


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



With technological development and environmental changes, the resources owned by companies and organizations have been equalized, and the competitive advantage of existing resources has lost relative importance. In this way, companies and organizations must secure excellent talents to secure a continuous competitive advantage. However, in Chinese current human resource management method, the traditional way of simply exchanging goods and services is insufficient to induce voluntary commitment of members, and for those companies and organizations with limited resources, it is difficult to give employees a satisfactory allocation of resources. Therefore, this study aims to explore a method to enhance job enthusiasm that can lead to voluntary commitment of members. As such, this study is to first verify whether the emotional intelligence, psychological ownership, and meaning of work of members of the organization affect job engagement. Next, it is intended to verify whether job engagement affects voice behavior. Finally, it is necessary to understand whether work enthusiasm has mediating effect among emotional intelligence, psychological ownership, meaning of work and voice behavior. Therefore, a self-report survey was conducted on members working in Chinese companies in this study, with a total of 395 copies of the collected questionnaire. SPSS V.22.0 and AMOS V.22.0 statistical software were used for empirical analysis, and other analysis techniques such as frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation model and other analysis methods were also used. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, emotional intelligence, psychological ownership, and the meaning of work have a positive (+) effect on job engagement. Second, job engagement has a positive (+) effect on voice behavior. Third, psychological ownership has a positive (+) effect on voice behavior. Fourth, job engagement has a mediating effect among emotional intelligence, psychological ownership, meaning of work and voice behavior.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 직무요구-자원 모델
2.2 감성지능과 직무열의의 관계
2.3 심리적 주인의식과 직무열의의 관계
2.4 일의 의미와 직무열의의 관계
2.5 직무열의와 제언행동의 관계
2.6 감성지능과 제언행동의 관계
2.7 심리적 주인의식과 제언행동의 관계
2.8 일의 의미와 제언행동의 관계
2.9 직무열의의 매개효과
3. 연구방법
3.1 연구모형
3.2 연구대상
3.3 변수의 조작적 정의
3.4 분석방법
4. 연구결과
4.1 인구 통계학적 특성
4.2 타당성 및 신뢰도 분석
4.3 가설검증
5. 결론
5.1 결과요약
5.2 시사점
5.3 연구의 한계점


  • ZHANG, RUI 우석대학교 사회적 경영학
  • Sun, QiYuan 우석대학교 사회적 경영학
  • SHA, CHENGCHENG 우석대학교 사회적 경영학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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