

EFL Teachers’ Organizational Identity in Online Communities : The Case of Iran


Esmaeel Ali Salimi, Zahra Banitalebi

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Participation in different communities of practice forms and changes individuals’ identities. Teachers’ membership in language organizations is an example of such communities. Organizational identity (OI) affects how teachers act and position themselves in particular contexts. In the wake of emergency remote teaching, virtual environments have redefined the relationship between teachers and organizations. Although teacher identity construction has recently attracted a growing interest, studying teachers’ OI has remained underexplored. In response to this paucity of research, the present study investigated how online teaching affects teachers’ OI and what antecedents and consequences can explain their OI. This study adopted a qualitative design in which 14 teachers with high and low OIs were selected based on their answers to an OI questionnaire. Then, interviews were used and further analyzed qualitatively to examine the teachers’ OI. The findings revealed that while OI appeared to have a paramount role in teachers’ performances and emotions, transition to online environments negatively affected the teachers’ OI. Several factors, instructional, institutional, and personal, served as the antecedents and barriers of OI. We offer several implications for teacher educators, administrators, and policymakers to cope with the challenges of virtual environments and facilitate the speed of transition to online teaching.


فلتخم یراک تاعامتجا رد تکرش ھک ارچ دراذگ یم ریثات ناملعم یریگ عضوم نامزاس و ناملعم طابترا یزاجم طیحم ،رود هار زا شزومآ شیادیپ اب .دوش یم دارفا تیوھ رییغت و یریگ لکش بجوم یدایز ھجوت اریخا ناملعم تیوھ یریگ لکش ھچرگا .تسا هدرک ینوگرگد راچد ار اھرک بلج دوخ ھب تیوھ ،تسا هد ھب یفیک درکیور ذاختا اب رضاح ی ھعلاطم روظنم نیدب .تسا ھتفرگن رارق ھعلاطم دروم نانچمھ ناملعم ینامزاس ینامزاس تیوھ یسررب14 .تسا ھتخادرپ یسیلگنا نابز ملعم تیوھ رب یزاجم یاھ طیحم یفنم ریثات دییات رب هولاع ،ناملعم ینامزاس زا یکاح هدمآ تسد ھب جیاتن لماع ناونع ھب ینامزاس و یشزومآ ،یصخش فلتخم لماوع ھک دوب نآ .دننک یم لمع هدنرادزاب و رگداجیا ھلباقم یارب یتاداھنشیپ ھب ھعلاطم نیا رد هدش هراشا یزاجم طیحم یاھ شلاچ اب .تسا


Literature Review
Teachers’ Organizational Identity
Online Teacher Identity
The Current Study
Participants and Research Setting
How OI Changed
Antecedents and Barriers of OI
The Impact of OI on Performance
The Authors


  • Esmaeel Ali Salimi Allameh Tabataba’i University
  • Zahra Banitalebi Allameh Tabataba’i University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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