

Guests' Experiences at Safari Hotels and Resorts in Indonesia - An Analysis of Online Reviews -




In Indonesia, there are many types of animals found in the tropics. Due to its location, Indonesia has three safari parks. As part of the Safari Park, they offer hotel services within the park. This study aims to discover the hotel guest satisfaction during their stay and to describe their experience when staying in safari hotels and lodges. Data were collected from Google Travel for 9265 hotel reviews using SCTM 3.0 text mining and UCINET 6.0 for analysis. Six categories of 80 keywords were determined by the CONCOR Analysis which are “safari”, “location”, “accommodation”, “facilities”, “environment”, and “values”. According to factor analysis, “values” has the highest significant factor, and from Freeman Degree Centrality and Eigenvector Centrality show that "hotels", "rooms", and "place" rank highest. “Hotel” was the word with the highest frequency, as one would expect. Correlation analysis was conducted in order to understand how users perceive the internet. It aims to encourage hotel managers to pay attention to online reviews since they provide a variety of information to other customers, and to obtain a better understanding of the customer experience, future studies will conduct more detailed analyses.


Ⅰ. Introduction
II. Literature Review
2.1 Safari Hotel and Resort
2.2 Guests‘ Experiences
2.3 Online Review
2.4 Text Mining and Semantic Network Analysis
Ⅲ. Methodology
3.1 Data Collection
3.2. Data Analysis
IV. Results
4.1 Analysis of Word Frequency
4.2. Centrality (Freeman’s Degree and Eigenvector) Analysis
4.3 CONCOR Analysis
4.4 Factor Analysis
4.5 Linear Regression Analysis
V. Discussion and Limitations


  • Nadila Nalanda Ilyas Master Student, Department of Global Business, Kyungsung University
  • Sucianingsih Master Student, Department of Global Business, Kyungsung University
  • Ban, Hyun-Jeong Assistant Professor, School of Global Studies, Kyungsung University


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