

Technology Convergence (TC)

A Study on the Status of Waterbirds by Taxon and Seasonal Arrival in the South-West Coast Islands




This study surveyed the island located in Sinan-gun and Wando-gun four times, once per season from September 2020 to November 2021 in order to understand the distribution of waterbirds on the island of the southwest coast. As a result of the investigation, a total of waterbirds of 7 orders, 12 families of 50 species, and 3,680 individuals were identified. By taxon, the largest number of species were identified as 11 species of waders, and the number of ducks was the largest with 2,035 individuals. In Bigeum-do Island, where forests are distributed less, the proportion of farmland is large, and tidal flats are widely distributed, the largest number of species and individuals of herons and waders were identified. Ducks and gulls have also been identified in large numbers of individuals in Bigeum-do Island. Most of them are forests and farmland, and the largest number of species and individuals of ducks have been identified in Pyeongil-do Island, where the coast is deep. In addition, Nodae-do Island, Sobyeongpung-do, and Daebyeongpung-do Island with monotonous habitats have been identified with fewer species and individuals. As a result, We learned that various types of waterbirds lived in islands with various habitats, and that the preferred habitat was different depending on the characteristics of the taxon group. By season, the largest number of species was identified as 35 in autumn, and the largest number of individuals was identified as 1,681 in winter. Although most of the seasonally identified waterbirds were winter birds, the largest number of species were identified in autumn, and most of the confirmed waterbird migration were identified in the autumn, indicating that waterbirds used the west-south coast islands as an intermediate stopover while traveling.


2.1 Study Area and Survey Period
2.2 Study Methods
3.1 Distribution of Waterbirds in the South-West Coast Islands
3.2 Distribution of Waterbirds in the South-West Coast Islands each Taxon
3.3 Distribution of Waterbirds in the South-West Coast Islands each Season


  • Hyun-Young Park Graduate Stud., Graduate School of Hansei Univ., Korea
  • Sun-Jib Kim Prof., Dept. of IT, Hansei Univ., Korea


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