

Culture Convergence (CC)

Promoting Preschoolers' Contact Ability and Sense of Security through Aesthetic Education




Nowadays, more and more countries are paying attention to basic teaching, so it can be found that they are carrying out a new round of basic teaching reform. The fundamental purpose is to adapt to the economic, cultural and technological development of the 21st century, so that their nationals will not be eliminated in the competition of the world environment, the spiritual civilization and material life of the nationals can be further improved, and they can have an advantage in the competition and catch up with the advanced level of the world. The cultivation of preschoolers' mental health determines the future development of a person. Through the long-term practice of art teaching at the Longyuan Branch of the District Third Kindergarten of Guangxi, This paper summarizes some effective teaching methods to cultivate children's connection ability and sense of security through aesthetic education.Firstly, preschoolers' contact ability was studied, and the aspects such as the definition of contact ability and the reasons for the formation of contact ability were explored. Secondly, the development of preschoolers' sense of security, what to avoid in order to develop a good sense of security and the effects of security on children were investigated. Finally, several specific teaching cases were written based on these theories. Through these cases, aesthetic education was utilized to promote preschoolers' contact ability and develop a sense of security. The study mainly draws the following conclusions that if children want to have a successful career, a happy family in the future, it is crucial to have the ability of connect and security in childhood. Aesthetic education can promote the formation of children's ability of connection and security.Finally, I write specific teaching cases based on the above theories and practice, through which these cases use aesthetic education to promote the formation of children's contact ability and sense of security.


3.1 Teaching cases of developing children's contact ability with people through aesthetic education
3.2 Teaching examples of developing children's sense of security through aesthetic education


  • Wang He Fei Prof., Dept. of Global Fine Art, Kyonggi Univ., Korea


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