

[Section발표], 좌장 : KAIST 김영식교수

Implementation of e-licensing in Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development Atomic Energy Council




The advancement of technology has revolutionized the way businesses and services are being conducted for the benefit of citizens at large. Technology usage to enable or facilitate the delivery of services has the potential to benefit citizens and service providers. Technology can be used by the organization to permit faster response to citizen’s inquiries and problems, to reduce labor costs, to improve internal efficiency and productivity, and to gain distinctive and differentiating competitive advantages. This paper presents challenges encountered by the Atomic Energy Council in processing, validating and issuing various licenses to radiation facilities. It introduces an electronic licensing system as a platform to tackle the challenge of manual production of Licenses. Atomic Energy Council is an agency under the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development. One of its core function is processing and issuance of various types of licenses and permits to facilities who operate radiation facilities in the whole country. Currently, it processes the licenses manually and this has been a subject of criticism by license applicants due to the delay in processing and the inefficient feedback mechanism. The electronic licensing system is expected to support the application, processing, validation, and issuance of licensing services by providing electronic channels for actors, applicants, agency staff and third parties to interact with one another.


1.0 Introduction
2.0 Background
3.0 The Challenging factors.
4.0 Motivation
5.0 Atomic Energy Council- Pilot
6.0 Licenses and permits issued by Atomic Energy Council
7.0 Recommendations and Action Plans
8.0 Action Plan
Legal Framework
Ugandan Legal Framework for e-Government
Uganda e-Government Laws.
Master plan
9.0 Budgets
Expected Benefits
Budget sources
Budget line from the Government of Uganda.
10.0 Way forward.
11.0 Reference


  • Ambrose Otim Information Technology Officer Atomic Energy Council Ministry of Energy, Information and Telecommunications Technology Program Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


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