


정보보호 사전평가 제도 개발을 위한 국내외 관련 제도검토 및 정보화사업에서의 정보보호 현황분석


An Analysis of InfoSec Implementation Status in the Public Information System Projects for the Institutionalization of InfoSec Pre-Assessment

김정덕, 홍기향

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to provide several considerations to be taken into account when institutionalizing the information security(Infosec) pre-assessment. Infosec pre-assessment is a necessary process to embed the security requirements into the information systems at the early stages in their development, resulting in more cost-effective infosec. In order to provide some institutional issues, domestic infosec assessment schemes and U.S. Infosec certification and accreditation schemes are reviewed. Also, the current status of infosec implementation in the public information systems projects is analyzed. Based on the analyses, the seven suggestions are proposed in developing and performing the infosec pre-assessment scheme.


  • 김정덕 중앙대학교 정보시스템학과
  • 홍기향 국민대학교 정보관리학과 대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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