

Assessing Empathy Factor from Psychology to Animation : A New Empathy Factor Evocation Framework


Meng, Hui, Pak, Hongsik

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Inspired by a highly influenced journal publication, Emotion Review, a top journal in emotion research, we highlighted an existing empathy factor evocation framework, which is presumed that it could implant its potential value of prompting empathy factors from filed of psychology to film and media contents, such as animation. By proving this framework’s validity and authenticity, as well as introducing a number of evidences in related studies, we presume the framework as a fundamental knowledge reference for the experiment in this study. For the other half of this paper, throughout one of grounded theory methods—coding, our experiment aimed to strengthen the empathy factor related correlation between the existing framework and the seven categorized keywords and phrases, and we attempt to suggest readers that there would a great number of empathy factors (elements, stimuli) to be found out by referring such categorized keywords and phrases, and there would also be more surprising findings show up in such implanting challenge practice.


I. Introduction
II. Related Studies
1. An Inspired Framework
2. The Trustworthiness of the Framework
3. Proof of the Validity of the Existing Framework in Other Literature
III. Methodology
1. Hidden Message in the “Empathy: A Review of the Concept”
2. The Ground Theory and Its Approval
3. The Selection Reason Behind Target Movies
IV. Experiment
1. Experiment Target and Procedure
2. Experiment Data Analysis
3. Experiment Output
V. Conclusion and Discussion
VI. Implications for Future Studies


  • Meng, Hui Doctoral Course Student, Department of Visual Contents, Graduate School, Dongseo University
  • Pak, Hongsik Associate Professor, Department of Visual Contents, Graduate School, Dongseo University


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