


Analysis on the Methods and Techniques of Sunscreen Enhancement


자외선차단제의 효능 증가 방법 및 기술 분석

Guanjie Song, Huirong Zhang, Nifeng Chen, Fan Yi, Yinmao Dong, Li Li

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years, sunscreen products have been the research focus in the field of daily chemicals. Sunscreen products with high sun protection factor (SPF), fresh skin feeling and high safety are the market hotspots of sunscreen products. This article systematically sorts out the key points of sunscreen synergistic technology from the aspects of sunscreen compound synergism, the influence of plant-derived active ingredients on sunscreen, the carrier modification of sunscreen microcapsules, the solid lipid particles and sunscreen product formulation system. This article explained the future development direction of sunscreen enhancement, hoping to provide scientific basis for the research and development of sunscreen product formula.


최근 몇 년 동안 자외선차단체는 일용 화학 물질 분야의 연구 중심이 되었다. SPF(자외선 차단 지수)가 높고 산뜻한 피부감과 높은 안전성을 갖춘 자외선 차단제는 자외선 차단제 시장의 핫스팟이다. 본 논문은 자외선차단 복합물의 상승작용, 식물유래 활성성분이 자외선차단에 미치는 영향, 자외선차단 마이크로캡슐과 고체지질 입자의 담체 개질 및 자외선차단 제품 제형시스템 측면에서 자외 선차단 시너지 기술의 핵심 포인트를 체계적으로 정리한 것이다. 본 총설은 자외선 차단제 제품 연구 개발에 과학적 근거를 제공하 여 향후 개발 방향에 대해 논술하였다


防晒类产品为近年来日化领域研究热点, 具有高防晒指数(SPF值)的长效防护, 同时肤感清爽,安全性高的防 晒产品为防晒类产品的市场热点。文章从防晒剂复配增效、植物源活性成分对于防晒的影响以及防晒剂的微胶 囊、固体脂质颗粒的载体修饰、防晒产品配方体系方面,系统整理了防晒增效技术的关键点,阐述了防晒增效 未来的发展方向,期望为防晒产品配方研发提供科学依据。


Factors affecting SPF
Synergistic Effects of Sunscreens
Plant-derived Ingredients Enhance Sun Protection
Cosmetic Enhancement of Sunscreen Raw Materials
1. Microcapsulary
2. Solid lipid nanoparticles
3. Other technologies
Optimization of Sunscreen Formula
1. O/W/O type multiple emulsification system
2. Solubility of oil phase raw materials to sunscreen


  • Guanjie Song 송관결. College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Plants Resource Research and Development, Beijing, China
  • Huirong Zhang 장혜영. College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Plants Resource Research and Development, Beijing, China
  • Nifeng Chen 진니풍. College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Plants Resource Research and Development, Beijing, China
  • Fan Yi 역범. College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Plants Resource Research and Development, Beijing, China
  • Yinmao Dong 동은묘. College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Plants Resource Research and Development, Beijing, China
  • Li Li 리려. College of Chemistry and Materials Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing Key Laboratory of Plants Resource Research and Development, Beijing, China


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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