

분말소화기의 내부압력 변화에 따른 제3종 분말소화약제의 침강도 시험


Analysis of the Sedimentation Status Test for Type-3 Dry Chemical Powder with Changes in Internal Pressure of the Dry Chemical Extinguisher

손주달, 김서영, 공하성

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to measure sedimentation status change with the changes in internal pressure for dry chemical extinguishers of various use periods and analyze the suitability of the fire extinguishers' performance criteria. When the internal pressure of the fire extinguisher is 0%, 2 out of 10 new dry chemical powders for the 5 elapsed years were noted to be suitable, including 3 recycled dry chemical powders with 5 elapsed years that were found eligible. One out of 10 new dry chemical powders for 10 elapsed years was shown as suitable. Also, one new dry chemical powder for 13 elapsed years was suitable. When the internal pressure of the fire extinguisher was 50%, all 10 out of 10 new dry chemical powders for 5 years, recycled one with 5 elapsed years, and a new one with 10 elapsed years were found to be suitable, while 9 new dry chemical powders for 13 years were shown as suitable. When the internal pressure of the fire extinguisher was normal, new ones with 5 elapsed years, recycled ones with 5 elapsed years, new ones with 10 elapsed years, and new ones with 13 elapsed years were all 10 out of 10 samples noted as suitable. In summarizing the experiment results, it was found that the sedimentation status, one of the fire extinguisher's physical properties experiments, affects the fire extinguisher's performance criteria rather than the change with use periods.


1. 서론
2. 본문
2.1 실험모델
2.2 실험구성
2.3 실험방법
3. 실험 결과
3.1 내부압력이 0%일 때 침강도 변화량
3.2 내부압력이 50%일 때 침강도 변화량
3.3 내부압력이 정상일 때 침강도 변화량
4. 결론
5. References


  • 손주달 Ju-Dal Son. (사)한국위험물안전협회장
  • 김서영 Seo-Young Kim. 우석대학교 소방·안전공학과 박사과정
  • 공하성 Ha-Sung Kong. 우석대학교 소방방재학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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