


지역 관련 연구 및 정책에 있어서 지역 개념의 부정합성에 관한 검토


An Examination of the Inconsistency of the Concept of Region in Regional Studies and Policies


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In the field of regional research and policy, the region cannot but be the most basic core concept. Nevertheless, the concept of region is judged to be ambiguous, and even has internal inconsistencies. Region is a common term that is generally used, but also as an academic and policy term, and its meaning should be specified and clarified, but it has not been done in previous studies. This study aims to point out the inconsistency of the regional concept in regional studies and policies and comprehensively examine this concept. In particular, as a basic concept of this field of study, the meaning of region should not be considered merely as ‘a certain geographical area’, but it is intended to clarify the fact that it means ‘spatial and geographical phenomena’ or ‘spatial and geographical perspectives’. In addition, the meaning of the abstract and unfamiliar concept of ‘spatial and geographical phenomena and perspectives’ is analytically discussed. Through this, we intend to contribute to clarifying and redefining the significance of regional studies and policies.


1. 서론
2. 기존 연구에 있어서 ‘지역’과 ‘지역 관련 연구 및 정책’의 개념적 검토
2.1. 지역의 개념
2.2. ‘지역 관련 연구 및 정책’의 개념
3. 지역 개념의 부정합과 학제적 문제점
3.1. 지역 개념의 부정합성
3.2. 학제적 문제점
4. ‘공간적, 지리적 현상 및 관점’으로서 지역의 개념적 이해
4.1. 공간, 지리, 지역 개념의 이해와 비교
4.2. 공간적, 지리적 현상의 의미
4.3. 공간적, 지리적 관점의 의미
5. 종합 및 결론


  • 권오혁 Kwon, Ohyeok. 국립부경대학교 경제학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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