


SNS 텍스트마이닝을 통한 부산 영도의 관광객 핫플레이스 도출 및 유형분석


Analyzing tourism hotspots and types of Yeongdo, Busan through social media text mining

김예림, 성종상

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Coastal areas have long served as a base for maritime use and habitation, and they are rich in regional assets that are valuable as resources for tourism. The result is that tourism in coastal areas has grown to be so significant that it now makes up more than half of the local economy. To better address extinction issues, some coastal areas are fostering tourism-linked urban regeneration using regional assets. However, there is a limitation in that the demand from visitors was not adequately accounted for and understanding and discussion were absent regarding the utilization of regional assets specific to the coastal area. This study’s purpose is to discuss tourism-linked urban regeneration using regional assets, focusing on coastal areas that have been previously neglected in urban regeneration studies. To this end, using social media data, we have tried to identify tourism hotspots in Yeongdo, categorize them, and examine their traits. First, we examined the changes and characteristics of significant tourism hotspots by collecting data from 10 years of blogs and forums (Naver and Daum) to assess the changes in the frequency of key phrases by year. Then, by synthesizing the analysis results through TF-IDF, word frequency, and connection centrality analysis of place-related nouns, the types of tourism hotspots in Yeongdo were classified into five categories, and their characteristics were summarized: ① seaview commercial facility concentration areas, ② project sites for urban regeneration and renewal, ③ landmark-type natural landscape areas, ④ maritime industrial heritage regeneration areas, and ⑤ commercial renewal areas of major enterprises. The findings of this study will serve as the primary data for developing plans for urban regeneration policies in the coastal areas of Yeongdo.


1. 서론
1.1. 연구의 배경 및 목적
2. 이론적 고찰
2.1. 도시재생의 개념, 변화, 연구 동향
2.2. 지역자산을 활용한 관광 연계 도시재생
2.3. 관광객 수요 파악을 위한 SNS 분석 관련 연구 동향
3. 부산 영도의 도시재생
3.1. 부산 영도의 도시재생 배경 및 변화
3.2. 영도의 관광 연계 도시재생사업
4. 연구 방법
4.1. 분석 방법
4.2. 데이터 전처리
5. 연구 결과
5.1. 연도별 언급량 변화
5.2. 영도 관광객 핫플레이스 분석과 유형화
5.3. 연결중심성 분석
5.4. 영도 관광객 핫플레이스의 유형분류
6. 결론 및 논의


  • 김예림 Kim, Yelim. 한국해양수산개발원 연구원/서울대학교 협동과정조경학 박사수료
  • 성종상 Sung, Jong Sang. 서울대학교 환경대학원 교수


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