A Study on the Dissemination Structure of Unfilled Positions in Universities Across the Country using Big Data : Using Panel and Tobit Regression Model
This study observes the difference in the actual regional ripple effect of the decrease in admission resources due to the decrease in school age population, which has been weak in empirical studies, and how much the decrease in competition rate by department nationwide provides a significant shock to the decrease in enrollment rate in the population unit. An empirical quantitative analysis was attempted. As a result of applying the panel-tobit regression model, a clear gap was confirmed in the decrease in the registration rate due to the decrease in the competition rate both nationally and in the provinces, and in particular, a highly significant relationship was derived with the decrease in the recruitment rate. In particular, the sensitivity of the risk of unrecruitment due to a decrease in competition rate was the highest in the Jeolla region (0.499), followed by the Gangwon region (0.475) and the Gyeongsang region (0.471), and the metropolitan region (0.158) was confirmed to be the most stable. This suggests that the gap in insufficient funding has gradually widened by region over the past 10 years, and that the shock wave becomes more pronounced in the provinces farther away from the metropolitan area. Based on this study, if we deviate from the standardized application of university development policies for the metropolitan area and regional universities, and present a customized higher education strategy for each region, it will be an opportunity to prevent local extinction due to a decrease in the school-age population and achieve coexistence with higher education institutions and regions at the same time.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경
2. 선행연구 및 본 연구의 차별성
2.1 선행연구
2.2 학령인구 감소 예상 추이
2.3 본 연구의 차별성
3. 모형설정
4. 실증분석
4.1 자료수집
4.2 권역별 경쟁률 충원율 변동 추이
4.3 변수의 조작적 정의
4.4 기술통계
4.5 변수간 상관성 분석
4.6 모집단위 경쟁률과 충원율의 통계적 특성
4.7 위계적 합동 회귀 추정
4.8 패널 토빗 모형을 이용한 권역별 미충원 민감도 추정
4.9 데이터 시각화를 통한 전국 권역별 미충원 위험비교
5. 결론
5.1 요약
5.2 제언 및 연구의 한계