피인용수 : 0건 (자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)
I. Introduction
II. Empirically Based Marriage Enrichment Programs
A. Relationship Enhancement
B. Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program
C. Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills
D. Hope-Focused Approach to Couple Enrichment
III. Theoretical Bases of Marhage Enrichment Programs
A. Cognitive-BehavioraI Couples Therapy
B. Solution-Focused Therapy
C. Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy
IV. Core Elements of Marriage Enrichment Programs
A. Relationship Skills
B. Awareness of Self and Partner
C. Motivations / Goals
V. Implications
A. Group Dynamic Effects of Marriage Enrichment Programs
B. Need of Continuing Education for Couples
C. The Importance of Family Minister or Pastoral Counselor
D. The Role of a Family Minister in Marriage Enrichment Programs
VI. Conclusion
I. Introduction
II. Empirically Based Marriage Enrichment Programs
A. Relationship Enhancement
B. Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program
C. Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills
D. Hope-Focused Approach to Couple Enrichment
III. Theoretical Bases of Marhage Enrichment Programs
A. Cognitive-BehavioraI Couples Therapy
B. Solution-Focused Therapy
C. Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy
IV. Core Elements of Marriage Enrichment Programs
A. Relationship Skills
B. Awareness of Self and Partner
C. Motivations / Goals
V. Implications
A. Group Dynamic Effects of Marriage Enrichment Programs
B. Need of Continuing Education for Couples
C. The Importance of Family Minister or Pastoral Counselor
D. The Role of a Family Minister in Marriage Enrichment Programs
VI. Conclusion
자료제공 : 네이버학술정보