Traffic accidents that occur while driving a car are inevitable, and the characteristics of the body repair field are that each vehicle accident has the same damage and no same repair conditions. Therefore, it is difficult to acquire know-how in vehicle body repair simply by theoretical method of textbook, and the repair method must be changed as new materials and new technologies are applied to it. In particular, roof panels are not frequently damaged by traffic accidents, but they are damaged by falling objects from the roof of a building or the opposite lane, resulting in roof bending and vehicle repair using dent repair to minimize VOC and reduce costs. In this study, the optimal maintenance method is proposed by analyzing the time, cost, and waste generation according to the work method when the degree of damage is large and replacement is required.
1. 서론
2. 실험방법 및 실험장치
2.1 실험장치
2.2 실험방법
2.3 실험결과
3. 결론