


광경화 방식 적층 조형물의 표면 금속 코팅에 의한 기계적 특성 변화 분석


Study on Change in Mechanical Properties by Metal Coating on the Surface of Additively Manufactured Model by Stereo-Lithography

이호범, 김기승, 김효태, 최혜윤, 김완진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This research measured the change in mechanical characteristics of a sample obtained by finishing a metal coating to an engineering plastic manufactured using a 3D printer to satisfy both lightweight and quality characteristics. High-Temp material, which can be applied to space thermal environments with large temperature fluctuations, was applied as the engineering plastic material, and Stereolithography(SLA) method, which has relatively higher precision than Fused Film Fabrication(FFF) method, was selected as the manufacturing method. Electroless & electroplating were performed by metal coating on the surface to satisfy the characteristics of products requiring electrical conductivity. Tensile and bending tests were conducted to verify a change in the mechanical characteristics of a sample completed with a metal coating, and an adhesion test of the metal coating was also added.


1. 서론
2. 광경화성 3D 프린터를 이용한 샘플 조형과 표면 금속 코팅
2.1 샘플 종류
2.2 Elastic Modulus 해석
2.3 Flexural Modulus 해석
3. 인장 굽힘 시험 결과
3.1 인장 시험 결과
3.2 굽힘 시험 결과
4. 금속 코팅 방식별 접착력 시험
5. 결론


  • 이호범 Ho-Bum Lee. Dep. of Mechanical-Material Convergence System Engineering, Hanbat National University
  • 김기승 Ki-Seung Kim. Fundamental Tech. & Space System, LIG Nex1
  • 김효태 Hyo-Tae Kim. Fundamental Tech. & Space System, LIG Nex1
  • 최혜윤 Hye-Youn Choi. Fundamental Tech. & Space System, LIG Nex1
  • 김완진 Wan-Chin Kim. Dep. of Mechanical-Material Convergence System Engineering, Hanbat National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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