In the wire constituting the LIN, which is one of the vehicle communication devices, disconnection of the wire or contact resistance of the circuit occurs due to vibration and aging of the vehicle. This affects the entire communication network and may have a significant impact on the safe driving of the vehicle as information is not transmitted. In this study, a LIN BUS circuit simulator was built on its own like a real car and measured with an automotive oscilloscope instead of a common method of measuring and diagnosing a circuit with a multimeter in the event of a LIN BUS circuit failure. Referring to the experimental results, it will be possible to diagnose faults in circuits efficiently and quickly.
1. 서론
2. 본론
2.1 LIN의 개요
2.2 LIN 메시지 프레임
3. 실험장치 구성과 방법
3.1 실험장비
3.2 실험방법
4. 실험결과 및 고찰
5. 결론