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The Effect of Trainer's Communication Style on Rehabilitation Ability and Rehabilitation Satisfaction of Elite Athletes



The purpose of this study was to objectively explore and discuss the effect of trainer's communication style on rehabilitation ability and rehabilitation satisfaction of elite athletes. we observed the relationship between rehabilitation trainers and injured athletes and found that communication between them plays an important role. In this study, we criticized that most of the studies related to rehabilitation were conducted from the point of view of natural science. The results of this study emphasized that rehabilitation-related research should broadly accept social science positions such as business administration. The main research findings are as follows. As a result of analyzing the relationship between trainer's communication style and rehabilitation ability, first, the trainer's cooperative and professional communication style affects emotional factors of injured players. Second, the trainer's cooperative and controlled communication style affects the cognitive factors of injured players. Third, the trainer's cooperative and professional communication style affects the behavioral factors of injured players. Fourth, the trainer's cooperative and professional communication style affects the rehabilitation satisfaction of injured players. Based on these results, this study was conducted to validate the necessity of discussing the trainer's communication style preference according to the individual background such as the injured player's gender, personality, and injury level, and the classification and composition of communication styles that match Korean culture and sentiment. As suggestions for follow-up research, active sharing of problems with adjacent disciplines such as sports sociology, sports education, and sports marketing, and parallel qualitative research centered on individual cases were suggested


1. Introduction
2. Research Hypothesis and Research Model
3. Research Method
3.1. Research Subjects
3.2. Research Tools
3.3 Data Processing
4. Results
4.1. Questionnaire Validity and Reliability
4.2. Hypothesis Testing
5. Conclusion


  • Seung-Jea Lee Lecturer, Department of Medical Sciences, Soonchunhyang University, Asan, South Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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