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Ensemble UNet 3+ for Medical Image Segmentation



In this paper, we proposed a new UNet 3+ model for medical image segmentation. The proposed ensemble(E) UNet 3+ model consists of UNet 3+s of varying depths into one unified architecture. UNet 3+s of varying depths have same encoder, but have their own decoders. They can bridge semantic gap between encoder and decoder nodes of UNet 3+. Deep supervision was used for learning on a total of 8 nodes of the E-UNet 3+ to improve performance. The proposed E-UNet 3+ model shows better segmentation results than those of the UNet 3+. As a result of the simulation, the E-UNet 3+ model using deep supervision was the best with loss function values of 0.8904 and 0.8562 for training and validation data. For the test data, the UNet 3+ model using deep supervision was the best with a value of 0.7406. Qualitative comparison of the simulation results shows the results of the proposed model are better than those of existing UNet 3+.


1. Introduction
2. UNet 3+ explained
3. Ensemble UNet 3+
4. Simulation and Results
5. Conclusions


  • JongJin Park Professor, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Chungwoon Univ., Incheon, Korea)


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