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The relationship between visual perception and social skills in late adolescence



It is necessary to investigate how age or gender affects visual perception and social skills in late adolescence. A study on the relevance of visual perception in late adolescence, a period that requires social adaptation through the development of social functions, is necessary. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between visual perception and social skills in adolescence. Visual perception and social skill were evaluated for 18-24-year-olds, who are in late adolescence, and were analyzed for gender differences and correlations with chronological age. This study found that there was a difference in visual perceptual function according to gender in late adolescence, and it was significantly higher in men. There was no significant difference in social skills according to gender. However, there was a significantly positive correlation between chronological age and visual perception, but there was no correlation with social skills. These findings provide novel information regarding the developmental course of visual perception and social skill in late adolescence.


1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1 Participants
2.2 Operational definitions
2.3 Assessments
2.4 Data-analysis
3. Results
3.1 General characteristics of participants
3.2 Visual perception and social skills by gender
3.3 Relation of visual perception between social skills
4. Discussion
5. Conclusion


  • Si-Nae Ahn Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, Cheongju University, Korea


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