

Convergence of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

Research on the Expression Features of Naked-eye 3D Effect of LED Screen Based on Optical Illusion Art



At present, naked-eye 3D appears more and more commonly on the facades of urban buildings. It brings an incredible visual experience to the audience by simulating the natural 3D 3D space effect. At the same time, it also creates enormous commercial value for city publicity and commercial advertisements. There is much research on naked-eye 3D visual effects, but for right-angle LED screens. Right-angle LED screen's brand-new expression method that has only become popular in recent years, how to convey a realistic naked-eye 3D effect through two LED screens combined at right angles has become a problem worth exploring. To explore the whole design ideas and production process of the naked-eye 3D impact of the right-angle LED screen, this paper is a preliminary study aimed at understanding the performance principle and expression features. Before the case analysis, first, understand the standard virtual 3D space construction techniques. Combining it with the optical illusion phenomenon, according to the expression principle of the naked-eye 3D effect of the right-angle LED screen, it can be summarized into seven expressions: Shadow, Color contrast, Background structure line, Magnify object, Object out of bounds, Object floating, Fusion of picture and background. By analyzing the optical illusion phenomenon used in the case, we summarized the main performance characteristics of the naked eye 3D effect. The emergence of right-angle LED screens breaks the limitation of a single plane of optical illusion art, perfectly combines building facades with naked-eye 3D visual effects, and provides designers with a brand-new creative platform. Understanding its production principles and main expressive features can help designers enter this innovative platform better.


1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background and Purpose
1.2 Research Methods
2. Related Research
2.1 The Expression Principle of 3D Space in Optical Illusion Art
2.2 The Expression Principle of 3D Sense of Space in the Right-angle LED Screen
3. Expressive Features of Naked-eye 3D Effects in Optical Illusion Art
3.1 The Expression Principle of 3D Space in Optical Illusion Art
3.2 The Performance Features of Optical Illusions in Right-angle LED Screen
4. Case Analysis
4.1 Case Analyze Description
4.2 Validation Analysis
5. Conclusion


  • Fu Linwei Ph. D student, Department of Visual Contents, Dongseo University, Korea
  • Zhou Jiani Assistant professor, Department of Film&VFX Internatinal College, Dongseo University, Korea
  • Tae Soo Yun Professor, Department of Digital Contents, Dongseo University, Korea


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