


The Effect of Beauty Influencer Characteristics on Relationship Continuation Intention and Purchase Intention - Focusing on Mongolian Consumers -



Social networking is gaining speed and has grown indispensable as technology develops. As a result, social media, particularly Facebook, Instagram, and influencer marketing, are replacing conventional marketing trends. The top 15 search terms for Mongolian women between the ages of 18 and 34 in 2019 on Facebook were cosmetics and shopping. Companies use social media, the main tool of social media, to promote their products while simultaneously increasing productivity at a minimal cost. In Mongolia, finding out about cosmetic brand products on social media is rather usual. The impact of social media influencers on the purchasing of cosmetic brands must thus be researched. We aimed to find out the relationship between attractiveness, authenticity, communication ability, and influence, which are characteristics of beauty influencers, on product purchase intention and identification between consumers and followers (information acceptance, purchase intention). Communication ability and influence appeared to have a statistically significant positive (+) effect on identification. On the other hand, attractiveness, communication ability, and influence all showed a statistically significant positive (+) effect on information acceptance. Identification and information acceptance has s significant positive effect on purchase intention.


1. Introduction
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. The Concept of a Beauty Influencer
2.2. Attractiveness
2.3. Authenticity
2.4. Influence
2.5. Identification
3. Research Model and Hypotheses
4. Survey Design
4.1. Data Collection and Analysis Method
4.2. Composition of the Questionnaires
4.3. Reliability and Validity Analysis
4.4. Hypothesis Test Results
5. Conclusion
6. Implication


  • GANTUMUR GANTSEND Master’s degree, Department of Business Administration, Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, Mokpo National University, Korea
  • Min Jung Kang Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Mokpo National University , Korea


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