


Classification of NFT Security Issues and Threats through Case Analysis



Since NFTs can be used like certificates due to the nature of blockchain, their use in various digital asset trading markets is expanding. This is because NFTs are expected to be actively used as a core technology of the metaverse virtual economy as non-transferable NFTs are developed. However, concerns about NFT security threats are also growing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze NFTrelated infringement cases and to clearly understand the current security status and risks. As a research method, we determined NFT security areas based on previous studies and analyzed infringement cases and threat types for each area. The analysis results were systematically mapped in the form of domain, case, and threat, and the meaning of the comprehensive results was presented. As a result of the research, we want to help researchers clearly understand the current state of NFT security and seek the right research direction.


1. Introduction
2. Research Methods
3. Related Research
3.1 Overviews of NFT
3.2 Research for NFT Security
4. Results
5. Conclusion


  • Mi-Na Shim Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, Sungkyul University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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