


A simulation study on TCP performance for constrained IoT networks



TCP is considered a major candidate transport protocol even for constrained IoT networks due to its ability to integrate into the existing network infrastructures. Since TCP implementations such as uIP TCP often allow only a single TCP segment per connection to be unacknowledged at any given time due to resource constraints, the congestion control relies only on RTO management. In our previous work, to address the problem that uIP TCP performs poorly particularly when a radio duty cycling mechanism is enabled and the hidden terminal problem is severe, we proposed a RTO scheme for uIP TCP and validated the performance through Cooja simulation. In this study, we investigate the effect of other factors that were not considered in our previous work. More specifically, the effect of traffic intensity, the degree of the hidden terminal problem, and RDC is investigated by varying the offered load and the transmission range, and the RDC channel check rate. Simulation results imply that we need to further investigate how to improve TCP performance when the radio duty cycling mechanism is used.


1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Simulation
3.1 Simulation setup
3.2 Simulation results
4. Conclusions


  • Chansook Lim Professor, Department of Software and Communications Engineering Hongik University, Sejong, Republic of Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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