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Evaluation of Growth and Wood Traits in E. camaldulensis and Interspecific Eucalypt Hybrid Clones Raised at Three Diverse Sites in Southern India



Twenty-five Eucalyptus clones (14 E. camaldulensis - EC and 11 interspecific eucalypt hybrid clones - EH) grown in three contrasting sites were evaluated for the growth and few wood traits at 4 years of age. The stability, genotype-site interaction and suitability of these clones for pulp and solid wood industry sectors were studied. Growth of eucalypt clones was significantly higher at site 1 with higher rainfall, but wood density did not differ significantly from lower rainfall sites. Kraft pulp yield (KPY) decreased from sites 1 to 3 based on moisture availability, but not between two groups of clones. Volumetric shrinkage (VS) was significantly higher in EC clones at site 3 with lowest rainfall, but there was no specific trend at other two sites with maximum (site 1) and intermediate (site 2) rainfall. The mechanical traits modulus of rupture (MOR) and modulus of elasticity (MOE) were at par in sites 1 and 2, but significantly lower at the driest site 3. The growth rate had a significant positive correlation with KPY, MOR and MOE and a negative correlation with VS, but no significant impact on wood density in both groups of clones. Genotype×environment interaction (G×E) was evident in most traits due to the difference in response of clones to moisture availability. Since wood density was negatively correlated to KPY, it has to be kept at an optimum level for the profitability of pulp industry. There was no significant difference between EC and EH clones for most traits except VS at site 3. Stability of clones varied across sites in different traits, and hence clones may be selected for deployment at each site by screening for growth, followed by wood density, considering the relationship of growth and density with other traits required by pulp and solid wood industry sectors.


Materials and Methods
Study sites and experimental design
Sample collection and property evaluation
Equilibrium moisture content (EMC)
Wood density
Volumetric shrinkage
Flexural properties
Data analysis
Results and Discussion
Variation across sites
Stability of clones
Genotype×environment interaction
Correlation between traits
Selection of clones for pulp and solid wood uses


  • Rathinam Kamalakannan ITC Life Sciences and Technology Centre, Peenya, Bengaluru 560058, India
  • Suraj Poreyana Ganapathy ITC Life Sciences and Technology Centre, Peenya, Bengaluru 560058, India
  • Shri Ram Shukla Institute of Wood Science and Technology, Malleswaram, Bengaluru 560003, India
  • Mohan Varghese ITC Life Sciences and Technology Centre, Peenya, Bengaluru 560058, India
  • Chandramana Easwaran Namboothiri Jayasree Central Wood Testing Laboratory, The Rubber Board, Manganam, Kottayam 686018, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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