

청취-작문 융합형 수업 모델 연구 : 정보처리이론을 바탕으로


A study on the listening-writing convergence lecture model : Based on information processing theory.

류경희, 김미정

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The human information processing center “memory” is defined as the process of encoding – storage – retrieval of external stimuli (information). Considering that all learning begins with memories, the teaching-learning design should present an efficient methodology without biasing the learner’s cognitive process step by step. Based on this information processing theory, this study systematically considered the following three aspects: First, an efficient teaching-learning model is designed by focusing on the input (listening) and output (writing) of the second foreign language on the premise of facilitating communication, which is the goal of language learning. Second, we will try to implement the structuring and systematization of knowledge, which is the ultimate goal of learning, through language learning. Lastly, in applying this to actual classes, based on the constructivism epistemology, the REACT model (Crawford, 2001) - Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring - is borrowed, through which the lecture is conducted. The survey was also conducted for analyzing students’ perceptions of the learning methodology and got meaningful results from students’ lecture evaluations.


人間の情報処理の中枢である「記憶」は、外部からの刺激(情報)を符号化・記憶・ 検索するプロセスと定義できる。すべての学習は記憶から始まることを考え ると、教育と学習のデザインは、学習者の認知プロセスを段階的に偏らせるこ となく、効率的な方法論を提示する必要がある。この情報処理理論に基づき、本 研究では以下の3点を体系的に考察する。まず、言語学習の目的であるコミュニ ケーションを前提として、第二外国語のインプット(聞く)とアウトプット(書 く)に着目し、効率的な教育・学習モデルを設計する。第二に、学習の最終目標で ある知識の構造化と体系化を、言語学習を通じて実践していく。最後に、これを 実際の授業に適用するにあたり、構成主義的認識論に基づく「REACTモデル - Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring- (Crawford, 2001)」を借用して講義を行う。アンケート調査によりこのような 学習方法に対する学生の認識を分析する一方、学生の講義評価から有意義な結果 を得ることができた。


I. 서론
II. 이론적 배경
III. 수업 모델 개발
IV. 연구 방법
1. 수업 설계
2. 평가 설계
3. 설문 분석
V. 결론 및 제언


  • 류경희 Ryu, KyoungHee. 장안대학교 디지털비즈니스일본어과, 교수
  • 김미정 Kim, MiJeong. 배화여자대학교 일본어과, 교수,


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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