

베이지언 네트워크를 이용한 영어 관사 학습의 인지진단 평가


An Application of Bayesian Networks to Cognitive Diagnostic Modeling of English Article Learning.




The English article system has been known one of the most challenging components of English grammar for foreign learners to master, which needs continuous learning and feedback through assessments. However, current cognitive diagnostic models(CDMs) show some serious limitations: heavy reliance on large scale data, inability to model skill hierarchies and insufficient flexibility to efficiently handle small but repeated measurements. The purpose of the current study was to examine the potential of Bayesian network-based cognitive diagnostic modeling(BN-CDM) as an alternative to the current CDMs. A group of 124 college students(98 females and 26 males) joined a weekly 10-min learning session of the English article system throughout a semester and were administered a series of diagnostic tests. The test data were analyzed using conventional CDMs and BN-CDM. The results show that BN-CDM can handle small but repeated test data much more efficiently than conventional CDMs with a full consideration of hierarchical structures of the subject domain. The study also discusses some pedagogical implications of the results.


1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1. 인지 진단모형(Cognitive Diagnostic Models:CDMs)
2.2. 베이지언 네트워크(BN)
3. 연구방법
3.1. 참가자 및 시험자료
3.2. 베이지언 네트워크 구성
4. 연구 결과
4.1. 초기 관사 사용능력에 관한 인지 진단모형 결과(시험A)
4.2. 학습 후 인지 진단모형 결과(시험B, C)
4.3. 관사 사용 능력에 관한 BN-CDM 모형 결과
5. 논의 및 결론


  • 최세일 Sae Il Choi. 전남대학교/강사


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