A Study on the Interpreter's Habitus in the Conversational Interpretation Based on the Translation Sociology Perspective
The interpretation is a social practice carried out by an interpreter. The complete acquisition of the source languages and target languages is cultural capital of the interpreter, and all of the internal-language or extra-language acts shown by the interpreter can be regarded as the habitus of the interpreter. Based on Pierree Bourdieu's sociological theory, this paper examined the interpretation behavior of interpreters in the process of conversational interpretation using his core concepts such as field and habitus, and examined the aspects of interpreter's habitus and the impact of interpretation's field on interpreter's habitus. As a result, the interpreter mediates communication, promotes communication, and actively intervenes in interpretation activities with the capital that fully understands the source languages and target languages.
1. 들어가기
2. 부르디외의 번역사회학 관점 및 번역
2.1 부르디외의 주요 사회학 개념
2.2 선행연구
3. 대화통역 및 데이터 수집
3.1 대화통역의 정의 및 특징
3.2 데이터 수집
4. 대화통역장에 따른 통역사의 아비투스에 대한 분석
4.1 데이터 통계
4.2 데이터 분석
5. 통역장이 통역사 아비투스에 미친 영향
6. 나가기