A Study of Private Development of Long-Term Unexecuted Urban Parks through a Special Act - Difficulties and Solutions of Pohang -
This is a case study of private sector’s development of long-term unexecuted urban parks in Pohang through a special act, which provides a guideline of 30% of land for non-park while 70% of land for park. The strategy has a lot of validity in many respects along with the urban planning sunset system, but even with the special act it would not easy to be implemented in Pohang, where the guideline has been modified to 20% for non-park, mostly multi-family housing projects while 80% for park. Thus, participation of private companies would be discouraged due to low commercial validity. Also, there would exist various risks because the project would be completed through a long-term decision-making and execution process. Thus, this study argues that it would be better for Pohang to follow the original guideline of the government for better implementation of the projects, along with preparation of a law with which the government be able to recoup excess profits when too much profits would be given to private developers. For the project implemented smoothly, it is also important to understand local housing market and fluctuating economic conditions, and to prepare various incentives for private companies. In addition, to secure publicity, guidelines on the level of publicity of the project should be prepared through negotiation by parties to prevent the project being discouraged too much.
1. 서론
1.1 연구의 배경 및 목적
1.2 연구의 방법
1.3 선행연구고찰
2. 연구대상지 분석
2.1 장기미집행 도시공원 및 특례사업 현황
2.2 대상사업 개요 및 쟁점사항
3. 설문 분석 결과
4. 민간공원특례사업 실행 상 이슈와 개선방향
4.1 민간공원특례사업 실행 상 이슈 토의
4.2 개선방향
5. 결론