

中国文学翻译的抗译性对比研究 — 以《阿Q正传》的韩译本与英译本为例


A comparative study on the translatability of Chinese translations – a case of Korean and English versions of “the True Story of Ah Q”.

중국문학번역적항역성대비연구 — 이《아Q정전》적한역본여영역본위례

徐永彬, 李雪景

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It is not easy to translate Chinese literature into Korean and English, because translators have to face translation resistance from the source language. Factors such as the particularity of the Chinese language, the literary language of the literature, and the cultural differences between different countries are the main reasons for the translation resistance. In order to solve the translation resistance, the Korean version and the English version of The real story of Ah-Q adopt different translation strategies: the Korean version chooses alienation as the main method, while the English version chooses the adaptation. In most cases, due to the homogeneity of Chinese and Korean culture, the Korean version conveys the best language relationship more smoothly. However, sometimes the English version can establish more effective language relationship. Literary translation should adopt appropriate translation strategies according to the cognitive context of the target language readers, and transmit accurate language information on the premise of preserving the literary of the source language as much as possible.


1. 引言
2. 抗译性的原因及其类型
2.1 语言特征与抗译性
2.2 文化差异与抗译性
3. 抗译性的翻译策略
4. 结论


  • 徐永彬 서영빈. 外经济贸易大学/ 教授
  • 李雪景 이설경. 对外经济贸易大学/ 博士研究生


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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