




Religious Cultural Hybridity in Colonial Migrant Fishing Village of Ulleungdo Island


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Japanese started temporaily fishing in the seas of Joseon on September 25, 1883, when Korean empire government signed the “Japan People’s Trade Agreement in Joseon”. And then it became active after 1889, when the act, which allowed Japanese to fish in Joseon, came into effect. Since 1903, the Japanese colonial government had purchased territory near good fishing spot of Joseon and established a fishing base, planning migration fishing village. On the other hands, in fishing ports overflowing with fish species such as Ulleungdo and Guryongpo, migrant fishing villages were formed autonomously. The Japanese on Ulleungdo island expanded their collective settlements through fishing associations. Afterwards, Japanese shinto shrines were built in Dodong, Jeo-dong and Sa-dong of Nam-myeon and Taeha-dong of Seomyeon, to pray for the safety of sailing and good catches of Japanese fishermen by local notables of the Uldo Fisheries Association. During the Japanese colonial period, only shrine for mountain gods existed and there was no shrine for sea gods where Korean fishermen held rituals. After Korean independence, the number of farmers engaged in the fisheries industry increased, using several power vessels and fishing tools left by the Japanese; as a result, in the fishing village of Ulleungdo island, the ritual for sea gods started at Japanese shinto shrine that was abandoned by the Japanese.   This phenomenon does not appear only on Ulleungdo island, but also occurs in representative colonial migration fishing villages such as Gampo, Tongyeong and so on. Therefore, this paper aims to examine how Japanese shinto shrines in a migrant fishing village were related to Indigenous religion. This study might be helpful for understanding the diversity of cultural changes in colonial migrant fishing villages because cultural changes in Japanese colonial rule are not divided by dichotomous standards of oppression and resistance.


1. まえがき
2. 鬱陵島の移住漁村と神社
3. 解放後の神社と海神祭
4. 結⾔


  • 文慧珍 문혜진. 釜慶大学 HK硏究敎授

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