Analyze the Contemporary value of positivism research paradigm to pedagogy research
In the field of education research, the academic debate on the research paradigm of positivism has always been an unabated topic. Throughout the development of the positivist research paradigm of pedagogy research ,it can be seen that the historical limitation of the positivist research paradigm that neglects the nature of education, Focusing on the new era conditions, the education researchers may take approaches that make good use of inductive logic, focus on the rationality of reasoning, maintain a certain degree of objectivity, grasp the boundaries of research, clarify the limitations of quantitative research, and focus on the use of multiple research methods to exploit the value advantages of positivist research paradigm to the full to promote the educational borrowing and realistic and theoretical value of education to promote the development of pedagogy research.
2. 实证主义研究范式的理论内核
3. 实证主义研究范式的进化脉络
3.1 传统实证主义阶段
3.2 逻辑实证主义阶段
3.3 后实证主义阶段
4. 实证主义研究范式对教育学研究的价值
4.1 实证主义研究范式对教育学研究的现实价值
4.2 实证主义研究范式对教育学研究的理论价值
4.3 实证主义研究范式对教育学研究的借鉴价值
5. 结语