


『NHK⽇本語発⾳アクセント新辞典』に現れる 「数詞+助数詞」に関わる変化についての考察 - 新版本〜新辞典の変化の様相を中⼼に -


A Study on the Change of "Numeral + Auxiliary" in "NHK New Dictionary of Japanese Pronunciation and Accent - Focusing on differences between the 1998 and 2016 dictionaries -

竹下知佳, 崔建植

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper discusses the changes in particles over the 18 years of revision from 1998 dictionariy to 2016 dictionary. First, the differences between the two dictionaries are well representative of the historical background from the late 1990s to the early 2010s.  We have examined changes in Chinese and Japanese numeral readings. The overall Japanese-numeral readings may be declining. However, there are some patterns, such as cases where the Chinese numeral reading is replaced by the Japanese numeral reading or remains as an acceptable word. Therefore, it cannot be said that sum-number readings are declining.  This is confirmed by the fact that the preceding numerals "1 and 2" are both read as "one and two" in the list of particles that appear to have been converted from nouns such as "cup," "set," "team," and "pack" in the 2016 dictionary. This seems to suggest that there is a semantic distinction between the reading of "1, 2" as "ichi, ni" and that of "hito, futa".


1. はじめに
2. 先⾏研究
3. 本論
3.1 新版本〜新辞典に⾒られる助数詞の位相差
3.2 新版本〜新辞典に⾒られる数詞の読みの変化
4. おわりに


  • 竹下知佳 Takeshita Chika. 大邱大学校
  • 崔建植 최건식. 釜慶大学校


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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