

絵本の読み聞かせによる日韓表現考察が日本語学習者に与え る影響: 初級翻訳レベルを中心に


The effect of recognizing the differences between Korean and Japanese expressions in reading picture books on learners of Japanese : Focusing on the beginning level of translation.

Hirano Aika

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to investigate how the differences in expression caused by different ways of how to see and think affect the students learning Japanese at basic levels. The participants were 30 Korean students, learning translation into Japanese at basic levels. In the class, they read Japanese picture books and their Korean version ones and discussed the differences between them. A simple survey was conducted, and a m ini-exam w as g iven. The participants recognized the difference in how to see and how to think between the two languages, such as why particular expressions were used. The results showed an effect on enhancing their learning motivation and it also confirmed that there is an effect enhancing the learning motivation in the students who were interested in reading picture books while sitting in a circular fashion. In addition, the mini-exam results showed an improvement in the students' interest and concentration in class. As can be seen from these results, recognizing the difference between Korean and Japanese expressions in picture books can positively impact on raising students’ interest, motivation, and enthusiasm in beginner level of learners of Japanese.


本研究の目的は、日韓の見方・考え方から生じる表現の違いに気づく事が初級 日本語翻訳レベルの学生にどのような影響を与えるかを調査する事である。 本研究では初級翻訳レベルの授業を受講する韓国人日本語学習者男女30人を対 象に調査した。授業では日本語の絵本とそれを翻訳した韓国語の絵本を読み聞 かせ、日韓の翻訳の違いについて発表、討論を行い、簡単なアンケートとミニ テストを実施した。アンケートの結果、絵本の読み聞かせ授業は、初級翻訳レベ ルの学習者に日本語ではなぜこう表現するのかという見方・考え方の違いに 気付かせるだけでなく、教材が絵本である事や輪になって座り絵本を読むと いう授業の進め方に興味を持った学生の学習意欲を向上させる効果も確認出来 た。またミニテストの結果からも授業に対する関心、集中力の向上が確認出来 た。調査の結果、絵本の読み聞かせによる日韓表現考察は、初級日本語学習者に とって日本語への興味、関心、積極性の向上を促す上で肯定的な効果が期待でき る事が明らかになった。


I. はじめに
II. 先行研究
III. 研究方法
1. 授業1の場合
2. 授業2の場合
IV. 授業の実践
1. 授業2の日韓表現考察例
2. 見方・考え方のちがいが日本語学習者に与える影響
V. まとめと今後の課題


  • Hirano Aika Department of Digital Business Japanese Jangan University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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