

Isolation and Identification of Bacteria Capable of Degrading Polyethylene Terephthalate (Pet) Bottles from San Mateo Sanitary Landfill, Philippines



This study aims to isolate and identify local bacteria capable of degrading PET bottles. Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Pseudomonas putida, and Klebsiella pneumoniae ssp. pneumoniae were isolated from the San Mateo Sanitary Landfill (SMSL) in San Mateo, Rizal, Philippines and were found to be capable of degrading polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. All treated films had a decrease in mass and had a final tensile strength lower than that of the control, though statistically insignificant. Films degraded by P. putida had the highest average mass loss percentage of 5.57%, whereas both K. pneumoniae and S. maltophilia have 0.28% mass loss percentage. Meanwhile, films degraded by S. maltophilia had the highest final mean tensile strength difference of 52.1±12.44 mPa from that of the control among the other bacteria. This is followed by K. pneumoniae (difference: 49.9±12.44 mPa) and P. putida (difference: 46.4±12.44 mPa). Scanning Electron Microscope photomicrographs revealed dents and etches on all films, except the negative control film. Results from the mentioned tests indicate damage to treated films and show that the bacteria isolated from SMSL are capable of utilizing the PET bottle films as their sole carbon source.


2.1. Preparation of MSM+PET plates
2.2. Collection of Soil and Leachate Samples
2.3. Isolation of PET Bottle-Degrading Bacteria from Samples
2.4. Identification of Bacteria and Degradation of Films
2.5. Confirmation of Degradation
2.6. Data Analysis
3.1. Isolation and Identification of the Isolates
3.2. Confirmation of Degradation
3.3. Tensile strength test


  • Sophia Marie A. ABULENCIA Philippine Science High School–Main Campus, Department of Science and Technology, Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City, 1104, Philippines
  • Chantelle M. RABUTIN Philippine Science High School–Main Campus, Department of Science and Technology, Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City, 1104, Philippines
  • Jes Indira L. ZAFE Philippine Science High School–Main Campus, Department of Science and Technology, Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City, 1104, Philippines


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