

Comparing the Effects of Varying the Concentration of Chemical Treatment on Chitin Yield from Mud Crabs (Scylla serrata)



This study aims to provide an optimal method that can yield the largest amount of chitin. Specifically, this study aims to compare the amount of chitin extracted from mud crabs (Scylla serrata) between different samples varying in the concentrations of the acid treatments during the demineralization and deproteinization processes. Chitin was extracted from ground Scylla serrata shells. During the demineralization process, samples were soaked in different HCl solutions: 1% concentration, 5% concentration, and 8% concentration. Likewise, during the demineralization process, samples were soaked in different NaOH solutions: 1% concentration, 5% concentration, and 8% concentration. The samples were tested for chitin through FTIR analysis, while chitin yield was determined by ANOVA testing. The results showed the optimal chitin yield can be extracted from Scylla serrata shells by soaking the samples in the lower HCl concentrations during demineralization and higher concentrations during deproteinization, specifically 5% HCl and 8% NaOH respectively. Furthermore, soaking the samples in 1% HCl does not successfully extract the calcium carbonate, thus unable extract chitin. The results of this study can be used to further extend current knowledge of chitin extraction from mud crabs (Scylla serrata) to obtain high-yielding results.


1.1. Background of the study
1.2. Statement of the problem
1.3. Objectives of the study
1.4. Significance of the study
1.5. Scope and limitations
2.1. Chitin
2.2. Scylla serrata
2.3. Chitin Extraction
3.1. Schematic diagram of the study
3.2. Shell collection and preparation
3.3. Demineralization
3.4. Deproteinization
3.5. Estimation of Chitin Yield
3.6. FTIR analysis
3.7. Statistical analysis
4.1. Results of FTIR analysis
4.2. Mean weights after demineralization
4.3. Mean weights after deproteinization
4.4. Estimated chitin yield
5.1. Summary
5.2. Conclusion
5.3. Recommendations


  • Kevyn Marie C. Gamutan A Scientific Research paper Presented to the Faculty of Philippine Science High School Caraga Region Campus
  • Francesca Louise A. Tupaz A Scientific Research paper Presented to the Faculty of Philippine Science High School Caraga Region Campus
  • Amanda Gaye A. Urag A Scientific Research paper Presented to the Faculty of Philippine Science High School Caraga Region Campus


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