

Poster Session

Comparative study on growth pattern of Lepista nuda mycelium by organic nitrogen source pH treatment medium



In this study, pH 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 in each of two organic nitrogen source medium (Mushroom minimal medium + Yeast extract (YE), ST (mushroom minimal medium + Soytone) and MCM (mushroom complete medium) medium) 3 types of mycelium of 'Lepista nuda', WT (Wild type), LN96 (Lepista nuda 96), and LN103 (Lepista nuda 103), respectively, were inoculated and inoculated with a 3 day interval for 15 days. to investigate the mycelial growth length. As a result of checking the growth length of the mycelium on the 12th day, 3 days before the end of the experiment, it was confirmed that the mycelial growth rate was faster in YE pH8 medium for WT, MCM pH8 medium for LN96, and YE pH10 medium for LN103 compared to the untreated PDA. WT was confirmed to grow faster than PDA at pH 8, LN96 at pH 7, 8, 9, and LN103 at pH 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Based on this, it is judged that the mycelium of the spearmint mushroom has a faster growth rate in an organic nitrogen source medium than in PDA in basic rather than weakly acidic.


  • Yu-Bin Park Department of plant resource, Kongju National University
  • Eui-Yong Hong Department of plant resource, Kongju National University
  • In-Yong Jeong Department of plant resource, Kongju National University
  • Yoon-Jin Park Kongju National University Legumes Green Manure Resource Center
  • Tae-Seok Oh Department of plant resource, Kongju National University
  • Myoung-Jun Jang Department of plant resource, Kongju National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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