


비트펄프 대체 밀짚펠렛 첨가에 따른 느타리 생육 특성


Growth characteristics of oyster mushroom following the addition of wheat straw pellet as a substitute for beet pulp

최준영, 김정한, 김연진, 이채영, 백일선, 하태문, 이찬중, 임갑준

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study investigated the optimum additive ratio of wheat straw pellet as a substitute for beet pulp during oyster mushroom cultivation. The chemical properties across treatments were pH of 4.8–5.5, total carbon content of 45.9–46.5%, total nitrogen content of 1.5–1.7%, and carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of 27.8–31.0. Mycelial growth was the fastest in a medium containing 20% wheat straw pellet (at 88.2 mm in ‘Heuktari’ and 70.3–79.6 mm in ‘Suhan-1Ho’); however, there were no significant differences in mycelial density among the treatments. The characteristics of fruiting bodies by variety were as follows. In ‘Heuktari’, the valid stipe number per bottle (1,100 cc) was 22.5 and yield was 177.1 g/1,100 cc in the mixed medium containing 10% wheat straw pellet, with the values being comparable to those of controls. In ‘Suhan-1Ho’, the valid stipe number per bottle (1,100 cc) was 14.0 and yield was 151.2 g/1,100 cc in the mixed medium containing 10% wheat straw pellet, with the values being comparable to those of controls.


배지조성별 성분함량
균사 생장속도 및 밀도
배지조성에 따른 자실체 특성 및 수량
감사의 글


  • 최준영 Jun-Yeong Choi. 경기도농업기술원
  • 김정한 Jeong-Han Kim. 경기도농업기술원
  • 김연진 Yeon-Jin, Kim. 경기도농업기술원
  • 이채영 Chae-Young Lee. 경기도농업기술원
  • 백일선 Il-Seon Baek. 경기도농업기술원
  • 하태문 Tai-Moon Ha. 국립원예특작과학원
  • 이찬중 Chan-Jung Lee. 경기도농업기술원
  • 임갑준 Gab-June Lim. 경기도농업기술원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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