In general, people are mistaken that Dong Zhong-Shu categorizes human nature into three classes, and that Dong’s theory on humanity is against pre-Chin Confucianism principles that everyone can strives toward goodness and to become a Sage by themselves. This article clarifies that the three-category human nature theory is a misunderstanding of Dong’s philosophy of Heaven, in which human nature consists of both Yin and Yan, goodness and badness. In sum, Dong does not categorizes human nature into three classes and his theory on human nature is in line with pre-Chin Confucianism. This thesis starts from Dong’s review on the theory of humanity of pre-Chin Confucianism, from where Dong develops his own.
一般學界普遍將董仲舒的人性論理解為性三品說, 但在此一理解下董仲舒的人性論將違反先秦儒家肯定人人皆可通過後天自覺努力向善成聖的根本立場。 本文認為性三品說違反董仲舒天的哲學, 是對董仲舒人性論的誤解。 依照董仲舒的天的哲學人性只有一種, 皆為本俱陰陽善惡之性。 故董仲舒的人性論不存在性三品說之弊, 亦不違反先秦儒家人皆可以為堯舜的根本立場。 此外, 董仲舒的人性論源自於他本其天的哲學對先秦儒家人性論的綜合反省而提出, 本文的探討將由這部分加以展開。
壹. 前言
貳. 孟荀人性論的反省
一. 孟子人性論的反省
二. 荀子人性論的反省
參. 立基於天的人性論
肆. 性三品說的批判
伍. 結論