Background: By regulating the factors that contribute to oral diseases in a healthy way, oral health can be maintained and prevented. Methods: The general characteristics, PHP index, oral health behavior, and clinical periodontal index of each group were calculated by frequency analysis, and a cross-analysis (χ2 test) was conducted to assess the homogeneity of the general characteristics, oral health behavior, and clinical periodontal index of the study subjects. An Oral bacteriological examination was performed by gargling with saliva. Results: The expert periodontal prevention group showed a decrease in the copy number of periodontal disease causative bacteria, and A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, T. forsythus, andT. denticolashowed a significant difference before and after treatment (p=0.021). In the periodontal treatment group, A. actinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, T. forsythus, andT. denticolaall showed a decrease in copy number, but there was no significant difference. Conclusions: This study showed professional periodontal prevention management had some effect on periodontal bacterial reduction.
2.연구대상 및 방법
2.1. 연구대상
2.2. 연구방법
2.3. 통계분석
3. 연구결과
3.1. 연구 대상자의 일반적 특성
3.2. 두 집단의 연구 대상자 구강보건 행태
3.3. 연구 대상자의 구강 상태 및 임상 치주지수
3.4. 두 집단의 처치 전과 후의 PHP INDEX변화
3.5. 전 문가 치주 예방관리 전, 후의 치주질환 원인균 copy 수 변화
4. 고찰
5. 결론