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A Comparative Study on the Value Representation of Museums and How to Use ‘Dark Heritage’ : Focusing on ‘The War Memorial of Korea’ and France's ‘Historial de la Grande Guerre’


Jeongung Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Through a case comparison, this paper attempts to reveal the differences in value representation and the strategies for using ‘Dark Heritage’ material as an exhibition, depending on the reason that the museum was established. The subjects of study are ‘The War Memorial of Korea’ and France's ‘Historial de la Grande Guerre’. Although both museums commemorate war, there exists a contrast in the approach to and utilization of ‘Dark Heritage’. As a result of the analysis, it was found that The War Memorial of Korean emphasized public values, s uch as the patriotism. On the contrary, the Historial de la Grande Guerre emphasized universal values t hat inform visitors of the horrors of war and induce reflection and introspection on the war through the ‘Dark Heritage’ approach and differentiated exhibition production - humanitarianism and comparativism at the anthropological level. This study does not seek to state whether a certain museum's method is correct, but rather to confirm the existence of additional potential of the museum commemorating the ‘Dark Heritage’ by accurately understanding the differences experienced when different values a re represented according to the museum's reason for establishment. If public values a nd universal values are pursued in a balanced way, new possibilities for museums commemorating ‘Dark Heritage’ may be uncovered.


1. The concept and characteristics of ‘Dark Heritage’
2. Value Representation of ‘The War Memorial of Korea’
2.1. The War Memorial of Korea Architecture and Surrounding Space
2.2. The War Memorial of Korea permanent exhibition hall movement plan and composition
2.3. The War Memorial of Korea's major exhibition materials and exhibition direction features
3. Value Representation of France's ‘Historial de la Grande Guerre’
3.1. Historial de la Grande Guerre Architecture and Surrounding Space
3.2. Historial de la Grande Guerre permanent exhibition hall movement plan and composition
3.3. Historial de la Grande Guerre's major exhibition materials and exhibition direction features
4. Comparison of Value Representation between the War Memorial of Korea and Historial de la Grande Guerre
5. Conclusion


  • Jeongung Kim Professor, Baekseok Art University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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