

산업스파이 판례분석 및 영업비밀 보호방안 연구


A Study on The Industrial Espionage Cases and Trade Secret Protection Strategy


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Industrial espionage has become a global phenomenon in the era of global competition. This paper tried to derive out industrial technology and trade secret protection measures to counter the increasing number of industrial espionage by analyzing actual cases. The research subjects selected and used precedents meaningful in responding to industrial espionage among industrial espionage cases in Korea. All 160 precedents organized and posted by the Trade Secret Protection Center of the Korean Intellectual Property Office were analyzed. In order to analyze the classification of industrial espionage precedent cases, the target precedents are organized by important factors. The contents of the precedent were analyzed by elements such as serial number, case title, case number, case name, judgment result, defendant type, infringement method, means of leakage, usage method, disclosure scope, and violations. Policy implications to protect industrial technology or trade secrets from industrial espionage were derived and presented according to the analysis results for each element. To summarize what's important policy implications: First, The problem of negligence in confidentiality management and losing litigation is shown in the cases. In order to increase the effect of easing trade secret management, the minimum basic management should be done. Second, confidentiality must be maintained to prevent leakage of industrial technology or trade secrets while investigating industrial espionage reports and complaints during the investigation and trial stage. Third, not only while in service, but also immediately before leaving the company, it is necessary to notify the employees of industrial security information and confidentiality after retirement. Returning secrets should be institutionalized as a company regulations. Fourth, it is necessary to classify secrets as confidential, if leaked threaten risk to the sustainable development of the company. Fifth, it is necessary to actively control the company's removable storage devices. External hard drives, CDs, USBs, laptops, etc. must be purchased and registered from the company in advance, a management number is assigned, and the usage status is recorded and monitored in the management ledger. Sixth, even if the employed executives and employees did not intend to harm the company, they did not use the leaked industrial technology or trade secret, but stored it, kept it, or just transmitted it, it is necessary to prepare a procedure to check whether the trade secrets have been taken away or not, even after retirement. Seventh, in order to prevent overseas leakage, the purpose of overseas business trips should be clearly defined, and a person in charge of industrial technology or trade secret security should be designated and operated abroad. Eighth, there are many companies that do not pledge confidentiality or security, and these companies neglect administrative security measures against industrial espionage.


산업스파이는 글로벌 경쟁시대에 세계적 현상이 되었고 우리나라도 산업스파이의 주요무대가 되고 있다. 기업의 생존, 국민경제, 국가안보의 위협으로 이어진다. 이 논 문은 산업스파이에 대응하기 위해 판례에 나온 사례를 대상으로 분석하고 보호전략을 도출하였다. 사건내용을 구체적이고 객관적으로 파악할 수 있는 법원의 판례를 대상으 로 분석하였다. 조사대상으로는 특허청 영업비밀보호센터가 제공하고 있는 판례 160개 를 선정하여 분석하였다. 산업스파이 판례 사건 내용을 판례제목, 사건번호, 사건명, 판 결결과 피고유형, 침해방법, 유출수단, 사용방법, 공개범위, 위반사항 등 산업보안 전략 을 도출하는데 중요한 요소로 구분하고 엑셀표로 만들어 통계 및 내용 분석을 하였다. 정책시사점으로 최소한의 기본적 영업비밀관리, 수사 및 재판 단계에서 비밀유지, 퇴사 시 비밀반환 제도화, 비밀유출 모니터링, 이동식 저장장치 등록관리, 퇴직후도 관리, 국 외출장시 보안, 국가 차원의 보안교육 강화 방안 등을 제시하였다.


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 선행연구 분석
Ⅲ. 조사 및 연구 방법
Ⅳ. 분석 결과
Ⅴ. 영업비밀 보호 전략
Ⅵ. 결론


  • 홍성삼 Hong Seong-Sam. 가천대학교 경찰행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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