


차량 측면 충돌사고 최적정비 기술연구


A Study on Optimum Maintenance Technology for Vehicle Side Collision Accident

권익형, 여영중, 나채욱



Considering the features of body repair for automotive body where same damage and repair conditions does not exist in car accident, it is essential to acquire know-how and continuously approach new materials and new technologies on the site of maintenance where the theoretical instruction of textbook cannot react accurately minute by minute. Especially, in case of car repair from unexpected accidents such as body repair or dent repair, it is difficult to satisfy vehicle owners despite their request. Accordingly, this study researched the better maintenance technology to restore to its original state with more improved technology as vehicle owners wish. This study made time to repair reduced by 98% and the cost reduced by 79.6% through the accurate diagnostic technique before repair and maintenance technologies of body crash analysis applying property of high-speed tensile. It also obtains intangible effects including prevention of environmental pollution and maximization of vehicle owners satisfaction.


1. 서론
2. 실험방법 및 실험장치
2.1 실험장치
2.2 실험방법
2.3 실험결과
3. 결론


  • 권익형 Ik-Kyung Kwon. Member, Hyundai Motor group top Engineer of Daegu Service Center
  • 여영중 Young-Joong Yeo. Member, Hyundai Motor group top Engineer of Gangneung Service Center
  • 나채욱 Chae-Wook Na. Member, Hyundai Motor group top Engineer of Pohang Service Center


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
  • 1Lee, D. P, Lee, Y. U, Kim, B. S, Nosie Monitoring System of Manufacturing Metal Materials. Korean Society of Mechanical Technology 2020.1-5
  • 2J. K. Lee, D. H, Kim, N. C. Seo, E. S. Na, C. B. You, D. W. Lee, M. H. Jin, “Measuring the work environment–Three major harmful factors”, NCS Education textbook(LM1506030512_ 14v2; Machine, Automobile manufacturing, Automobile maintenance, Car paint Learning module;12, Management of painting work environment P-3-1), Human Resources Development Service of Korea, https://www.ncs.go.kr/unity/th03/ncsSearchMain.do, 2019
  • 3J. K. Lee, D. H, Kim, N. C. Seo, E. S. Na, C. B. You, D. W. Lee, M. H. Jin, “Purpose of coloring”, NCS Education textbook(LM1506030506_ 14v2; Machine, Automobile Manufacturing, Automobile maintenance, Car paint Learning module; 06 Coloring P-16-1), Human Resources Development Service of Korea, https://www. ncs.go.kr/unity/th03/ncsSearchMain.do, 2019
  • 4Maintenance Manual of Hyundai Motor, https: //gsw.hyundai.com/
  • 5Service Manual of Hyundai Motor Service, https: //hsw.hmc.co.kr/

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