

Environmental Information Technology (EIT)

Operational Problem Analysis and Improvement Plan in the Smart Factory Promotion Process



Uncertainty is increasing around the world due to COVID-19 and Ukraine crisis. In this situation, each company is making countless efforts to survive. In Korea, smart factory projects targeting small and mediumsized businesses with difficulties have been continuously promoted. As for the smart factory business that has been promoted so far, the base expansion of the smart factory is also steadily increasing as the number of companies carrying out the project is increasing. It was also found that it contributed to productivity improvement and quality improvement. Despite these positive aspects, difficulties and operational problems are also appearing in the process of promoting smart factories. In this study, we investigated and analyzed operational problems and difficulties in the process of promoting smart factories. In addition, improvement plans for problems were presented according to the contents of this analysis, and improvement plans were presented by classifying them into introduction and supply companies, considering that the smart factory business is formed in the form of a consortium between introduction and supply companies.


1. Introduction
2. Progress of Domestic Smart Factory Business
3. Problems and Improvement Plans
3.1 Operational Problems
3.2 Improvement Plan
4. Conclusion


  • Seong-Hoon Lee Professor, Division of Computer Engineering, Baekseok University, Korea
  • Dong-Woo Lee Professor, Department of Computer Information, Woosong University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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